The Importance of Delayed Gratification

The ability to be patient and delay your own gratification reflects your character as an individual. As a matter of fact, studies show that one of the most effective traits successful people have in common is delayed gratification.
So, what is delayed gratification?
Delayed gratification is the process of resisting one’s temptations or immediate desires in preference for a greater reward that is yet to come.
It is being presented with two options, one good thing now or one great thing a year from now and choosing the option that will benefit you in the future.
A frequent example of this relates to money. The question is, would rather be given $100 today or $500 a year from today?
Sure, receiving $100 right now would be pretty cool, however, if you waited one year you could have $500. They are offering you a reward that is 5x better, all you have to do is wait one year.
What do you choose?
If you said $500 in one-year, good job. You are catching on quickly.
It is all about delaying your “right now” desires for better future outcomes.
Why is delayed gratification so important?
Delayed gratification is important because it teaches you self-control and self-discipline – two things many people go their entire life failing to learn.
What might surprise you is the importance of delayed gratification isn’t just for business and career decisions only. It is a valued characteristic that can be applied to nearly every area of life that you allow it too.
For instance, mastering delayed gratification can improve your personal relationships, help you maintain your financial status, reach your fitness and health goals, etc.
As an example, let’s say you are trying to lose 25lbs. You made a commitment to yourself that you will start eating healthier, meal prep, and go to the gym 5 days a week. It is time for you to go work out and you get a call from a friend asking if you want to go get pizzas and beer instead.
Going out with your friends would fill your instant desire, but it would set you back on your goal and mental progress.
No, one night of pizza and beer wouldn’t make you gain 10lbs and set you off track physically, but it isn’t about that. It is about having the ability to say no because you made a commitment to yourself. It is about saying no to your temporary desires for future dreams. It is about mental toughness.
No one can teach you how to become an expert on delayed gratification, you just have to do it. When you practice it once, the second time becomes a little easier and so on.
 Eventually, you get to a point where decisions about your future become clearer and temporary sacrifices come easier because your mind isn’t fogged by the instant satisfactions. You are focused on the bigger picture.
Delayed gratification is something every person should practice. Make it your goal to apply delayed gratification at least once today.
Go out of your way to resist temptation for a future benefit. Put in the extra 2 hours at work. Don’t eat that piece of cake. Go for the run. Become mentally tough.
Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, hard work, discipline and above all things, success takes consistency. Once you allow yourself to grasp this concept, success will find you.

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